Product Description
You can attract that perfect dream house you have always wanted with the right subliminal programing. You can remove doubt, overcome obstacles and find opportunities you never would have seen without this mental programing. Using these subliminal programs can help you use The Law of Attraction to manifest your dream house in your life.
You can focus your core mental programming to Attract Your Dream House with this set of 5 subliminal WAV audio recordings.
- Do you dream of owning your perfect home?…
- Do you ever feel the doubts you will not find the perfect house on your budget?…
- Can you imagine the pride you will feel pulling up in front of your new home?…
- Are you ready to change your mental beliefs to attract that perfect home?…
The included programming:
I am attracting my dream house
The law of attraction is working to manifest my dream house
My mind is fully focused on owning a new home
I am visualizing what it will be like to own my dream house
I am naturally attracting my dream house
I am doing whatever it takes to attract a new house into my life
I am using the power of my thoughts to attract a new home
I believe in my ability to attract my dream home
I will own my dream house
I am destined to have a new house
I am using the law of attraction to manifest a new house
I can see myself in my new house
I am thinking positively and attracting a house
Our Attract Your Dream House With Subliminal Programming Product is recorded on these soothing WAV tracts:
Relaxing Tropical Rain – 20:40
Vibrant Backwater Animal Chorus – 25:13
Flowing Stream With Songbirds – 24:24
Exhilarating Thunder And Rain Storm – 25:52
Rocking Ocean And Crashing Waves On A Pebble Beach – 12:46
Total Subliminal Message Record Time – 107 minutes
The Attract Your Dream House With Subliminal Programming Product is download on demand.
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